I sat before you humble in tears
I begged you to release my fearsBut you stood as stiff as a cast
Now you've withered, collapsed
On the steps of your elusiveness
Come, come, my time is near,
I hear you say
But your eyes don't see me
And your heart has gone astray
That's what you get for my lost years!
Hear me, hear me, I watch you say,
I hereby announce my love is for sale,
To the highest bidder, the winner
Look around you, I say, look and see
Only flies and roaches can hear!
They say your tears were mixed with rain
Circling the streets, going everywhere
Instead of you, I see the ghost of a man
Who wasn't true to himself, or his word
That's what you get for cowardice, I hear!
When you came back, I wasn't here
Even when you were gone, I was sincere
The tale ends with you and I
Together singing a lullaby
The story of you and me...
We were never meant to be.
Together singing a lullaby
The story of you and me...
We were never meant to be.
-Marwa Ayad